Porn Star Riley Jean Came Back to Get More Jax’s Magic Hands! – Trailer

You all remember we released the video that Riley and Jax had the first encounter at Hilton Grand Vacation in Vegas? I told y’all that Jax’s magic hands will make Riley Jean come back. Well, that just happened. The tantric massage from Jax was soooo good that Riley has to hit up Jax again to come to his shop to receive the full treatment! Any male fans want to try for Jax’s magic hands? Hahaha just kidding!

Jax 这位菲律宾裔大哥就是从汝工作室开始了自己的成人片演艺生涯的。他现在已经可以非常容易轻松的自己约拍女优了。灯光,场地,摄像,剪辑,策划,都是自己一手完成,我们只负责打通女优的渠道输送给他女优,他就全身心负责拍摄和后续的剪辑制作。如果你也想像他还有我一样自己独自约拍女优,享受这种生活方式,联系我吧。如果你有足够的资本,又想体验拍色情片的生活方式,关注我的电报群 telegram@bananafeverclub,我现在接收有资本能玩的志同道合的老铁们参加我的训练课程。