Double Hot Cum Pops All for Athena’s Fine Stripper Ass & Pussy – Trailer

Athena is a hot stripper from Sacramento, CA. She was kinda tired of only working at the strip club and then she became a porn star just a little over a year ago. Like what I always say before, if you already put yourself out there, just go all in. Don’t go half ass on anything in life haha. Now she’s really enjoying being a porn star and fucking on camera and make $$$. Who won’t love that kind of job haha? Doing what you love while making great money. Sign me up!

Athena 是一个脱衣舞女郎,来自北加州。她一年前刚刚出道做女优。我问她为什么,她说只跳脱衣舞太无聊了哈哈。为什么不呢?自己都已经步入色情行业的前门了,为什么不百分百的投入呢!人生中最大的快事就是做自己喜欢做的事情同时又可以挣钱养家糊口!谁说不是呢哈哈?!