Steve is my new Asian male talent student from San Diego. He always thought he wanted to do porn but never made it happen. He always thought about it too much and just made it too complicated. He reached out and showed that he’s very serious about this and he’s ready to go. I let him know that porn isn’t some rocket science and everyone should be able to shoot porn if they are serious about it and got what it takes. It’s NO big fucking deal man. Size don’t matter at all because get this guys, there’s always someone behind the screen you can represent, especially you film POV. Anyway, Steve made it and he had his breakthrough experience in porn and he can definitely do the job long term. I welcome him to the party. Cheers! If you are also looking to spice your life by shooting porn like me, hit me up and I think I can help! Do you want to do what I do? Filming porn star solo enjoy the porn life style of countless great sex. Want to learn about this business? Follow my telegram@bananafeverclub for updates and stuff. Or email me at [email protected]
兄弟们,我们今天这位兄台来自圣地亚哥。他一直都梦想着尝试一下做男优是什么感觉,但是一直都没有相关渠道。他一直都以为当男优比登天还难。擦!他从电报上给我发信息联系我。从我和他的交谈中,我得知他是认真的。我告诉他千万别把做男优这件事情想的多么复杂。业内有些人把男优这玩意搞得那么玄乎好像是什么特异功能似的。狗屁!吃伟哥或者大不了打勃起针,谁TM还当不了男优。如果你觉得鸡鸡小就不能当男优,那你有错啦兄弟。弟弟在小,都一定能代表在屏幕前的一些兄弟们。色情片这玩意就是这样,不是所有人都愿意看大鸡吧操逼啊,因为与我无关啊。如果你有足够的资本,又想体验拍色情片的生活方式,关注我的电报群 telegram@bananafeverclub,或者直接发邮件 [email protected] 给我问项目细节。我现在接收有资本能玩的志同道合的老铁们参加我的训练课程,我会邀请你来我参演拍摄的片场手把手教在现场观摩的你,但你最好在美国,如果在南加州那就更好了。最后一个要求就是兄弟一定要有资本,如果参加这个课程的前期投入影响到你的生活,我建议兄弟还是多支持我们网站。感谢兄弟们多年的支持。我们越做越好。