I Fucked Melody Marks Again and I Could Not Hold My Cum, Fuck! – Trailer

I invited Melody Marks back to BananaFever upon her return to the United States from Japan. She has been filming a lot of Japanese porn contents in the past year and she just recently got back to America. I will be making a lot more contents with Melody Marks in the coming year. Stay tuned for more. Porn isn’t some rocket science. Everyone can be an amateur male porn star.
I’ll be doing a male talent training live stream session working with Melody Marks soon. We will demonstrate the whole workflow for my POV shoot so you can learn to do what I do. It’s a paid live stream. If you are interested in watching the live stream, email me at [email protected] for payment method and more information. I’m currently trying to arrange for the schedule due to holiday season and stuff. But it will definitely happen!
If you are also looking to spice your life by shooting porn like me, hit me up and I think I can help! Do you want to do what I do? Filming porn star solo enjoy the porn life style of countless great sex. Want to learn about this business? Follow my telegram@bananafeverclub for updates and stuff. Or email me at [email protected]

兄弟们对 Melody Marks 一定不陌生吧。她算是华人里现役的最受欢迎的欧美av女优啦。确实,她很符合亚洲人审美观。最牛逼的是,这妮子叫床就是一绝啊。我根本扛不住。这次和她拍摄,我总是想早射交枪,就是让她那绝版的叫床给我弄的实在忍不住。拍摄过程中我总是喊卡,主要是因为太想射了哈哈。抱歉啊兄弟们!Melody Marks 最近刚从日本拍片回来美国,新的一年里我会和Melody Marks经常合作拍片的。你心动了吗哈哈?当业余男优只要经过一些知识传输和特别训练,其实也没那么复杂嘛。
我很快就会和Melody Marks做一次汝工作室业余男优训练直播,我来主导一切流程,我亲自上马,我会把我独自和女优拍摄POV的整个流程和Melody Marks 给兄弟们毫无保留的展示出来,供大家学习参考。观看我和Melody Marks的男优训练直播需要付费,有兴趣看直播的朋友们发邮件至 [email protected] 我会把费用和支付方式等信息告诉你。
如果你有足够的资本,又想体验拍色情片的生活方式,关注我的电报群 telegram@bananafeverclub,或者直接发邮件 [email protected] 给我问项目细节。我现在接收有资本能玩的志同道合的老铁们参加我的训练课程,我会邀请你来我参演拍摄的片场手把手教在现场观摩的你,但你最好在美国,如果在南加州那就更好了。最后一个要求就是兄弟一定要有资本,如果参加这个课程的前期投入影响到你的生活,我建议兄弟还是多支持我们网站。感谢兄弟们多年的支持。我们越做越好。