New Girl Made A Splash As A Newcomer Riding Dicks for A Living – Trailer

Venus Vixen is from Florida and used to be a cashier at Target. Yea, another target girl lol. She is pretty cute and was scouted recently and of course she quit her Target cashier job. She’s so tired of 9-5 job. Who wouldn’t be tired lol. I’m tired of 9-5 job many many years ago. All the new girls and guys though porn is the best job in the world. That’s just not true. This isn’t a fit for every girl and guy for sure to do this professionally and consistently. If you can do it, great. If you later find out that you cannot do it, good luck with all your shits on the internet. That’s why I think for a guy, stay discrete and film POV contents like me is the best job ever. If you are also looking to spice your life by shooting porn like me, hit me up and I think I can help! Do you want to do what I do? Filming porn star solo enjoy the porn life style of countless great sex. Want to learn about this business? Follow my telegram@bananafeverclub for updates and stuff. Or email me at [email protected]

这个新出道的女优来自佛罗里达州。她之前是在美国的一个大型综合超市做收银员。之后她被星探注意到从而辞掉收银员的工作出道拍色情片。她厌倦了朝九晚五的工作,我给她点赞。我早就厌倦了朝九晚五的工作了哈哈。谁不是呢?但这是否适合她,还有待考量。所有新出道的男优女优都觉得拍色情片是世界上最好的工作,做爱,拍片,挣钱。想的有点简单了,这可不是适合每个人的。当全身心投入后,最后发现并不适合做这个,那后悔也来不及啦,因为自己所有的作品都已经在网上传播开来了。作为想尝试这一行的新男优,如果像露脸,你们可要想好啊。要不就别露脸,想我一样拍pov,这样就算你之后觉得这个不适合你,没毛病。如果你有足够的资本,又想体验拍色情片的生活方式,关注我的电报群 telegram@bananafeverclub,或者直接发邮件 [email protected] 给我问项目细节。我现在接收有资本能玩的志同道合的老铁们参加我的训练课程,我会邀请你来我参演拍摄的片场手把手教在现场观摩的你,但你最好在美国,如果在南加州那就更好了。最后一个要求就是兄弟一定要有资本,如果参加这个课程的前期投入影响到你的生活,我建议兄弟还是多支持我们网站。感谢兄弟们多年的支持。我们越做越好。