Buff Asian Guy Doctor Turned Into Porn Star Fucking White Girl – Trailer

Luke is an Asian guy followed her parents idea and became a doctor solving health problems for his patient every single day. Obviously being a doctor is a great career and he loves it and money is great obviously. But he always felt something is missing in his life because he always wanted to become a male porn star representing Asian guys. He just cannot let this go as he gets older. He applied to become my male talent and I talked to Luke and thought he’s pretty serious about it. I gave him a try and loved that he did a great job working with Breezy Bri! If you are serious about wanting to do what he does and what I do and wanting to learn about this business, follow my telegram@bananafeverclub for updates and stuff. Or email your application to me at [email protected]


这位兄台是一位心脏病专科医生,年入斗金了已经。但是老哥还是觉得生活中缺点啥,他儿时的梦想是当一名色情片男优,谁不是呢哈哈?老哥发现汝工作室的男优训练体验项目,觉得遇到了新大陆了。兄弟不缺钱,就缺老了以后能够想的美好回忆。男人嘛,生活嘛。你可能比我有钱有权,但你不一定比我们活得更精彩。我现在接收有资本能玩的志同道合的老铁们参加我的训练课程,我会邀请你来我参演拍摄的片场手把手教在现场观摩的你,但你最好在美国,如果在南加州那就更好了。最后一个要求就是兄弟一定要有资本,如果参加这个课程的前期投入影响到你的生活,我建议兄弟还是多支持我们网站。感谢兄弟们多年的支持。我们越做越好。如果感兴趣参加我的男优圆梦体验项目,关注我们的电报群telegram@bananafeverclub,或者邮箱联系我 [email protected]