Trainer Melody Marks in Anime Style Training New Asian Guy Hard – Trailer

This is my new Asian guy joining the crew! What a lucky guy. Superstar Melody Marks dressed in anime style is his trainer today. He got the job done and did not disappoint. Are you able to do as good as him?

If you are serious about wanting to do what I do and wanting to learn about this business, follow my telegram@bananafeverclub for updates. I host consulting call now to guide you with your porn journey. Reach out to telegram@BananaFeverCrew or email at [email protected] to book your consulting call with me.

这位兄弟是汝工作室男优体验项目的幸运儿新人。今天他的老师是超级明星 Melody Marks。你心动了吗? 兄弟不缺钱,就缺老了以后能够想的美好回忆。男人嘛,生活嘛。你可能比我有钱有权,但你不一定比我们活得更精彩。我现在接收有资本能玩的志同道合的老铁们参加我的训练课程,我会邀请你来我参演拍摄的片场手把手教在现场观摩的你,但你最好在美国,如果在南加州那就更好了。最后一个要求就是兄弟一定要有资本,如果参加这个课程的前期投入影响到你的生活,我建议兄弟还是多支持我们网站。感谢兄弟们多年的支持。我们越做越好。如果感兴趣参加我的男优圆梦体验项目,关注我们的电报群telegram@bananafeverclub。如果你只是对欧美成人片行业有兴趣想了解一下,先联系我预约一个付费咨询通话吧,邮箱联系我 [email protected]或者电报我 telegram@BananaFeverCrew