My Livestream Fuck Session with Melody Marks – Trailer

Today, Melody Marks and I hosted a livestream fuck session for our fans. This is our pre-livestream fuck session. I fucked her twice LOL. Why? Because every time I work with Melody Marks, I tend to cum faster than usual! Fuck LMAO! Livestream session is a bit hard for me to host since I don’t show my dam face LOL. But I will be doing livestream more because my fans love watching it. It’s more authentic and real, just more work for me though and that’s ok! Stay tuned for more. For a no-face guy like me, it’s a lot harder to succeed in porn. Lots of people talk shit about me for not showing face LOL. It’s all good haha. I want to focus on the girls and users experience. If I jerk off on a porn video, I really rather not see the guy’s fucking face so I can imagine it’s yourself fucking that beautiful horny body. I believe all you friends out there align with my thinking here. I appreciate all your supports as always and I promise I WILL take BananaFever to the next level in porn and I’m in this business for LIFE. Porn isn’t some rocket science. Everyone can be an amateur male porn star. If you are serious about wanting to do what I do and wanting to learn about this business, follow my telegram@bananafeverclub for updates. I host consulting call now to guide you with your porn journey. Reach out to telegram@BananaFeverCrew or email at [email protected] to book your consulting call with me.

今天我和你的最爱 Melody Marks 为我们的粉丝们做了一个性爱直播。非常成功!做直播对我这个不露脸的男优来说比较麻烦哈哈。不过粉丝反响不错,因为直播更加真实而且不掺假,就是比较麻烦呵呵。对于像我一样不露脸的男优来说,想在色情片行业做出点名堂来很难。但绝非不可能啊,汝工作室是我一手从零开始到现在。很多人骂我不露脸哈哈,没关系,我不争,他们都对。我想更多的专注于女主角和用户体验。女粉可能会骂我,抱歉啊。如果我看片打飞机,我绝对不想看到那个男主的脸哈哈。这样才能让我想象成是我自己在操逼啊,不是吗?感谢广大粉丝多年来的支持,我绝对会把汝工作室品牌在上一层楼。如果你有足够的资本,又想体验拍色情片的生活方式,关注我的电报群 telegram@bananafeverclub,或者直接发邮件 [email protected] 给我问项目细节。我现在接收有资本能玩的志同道合的老铁们参加我的训练课程,我会邀请你来我参演拍摄的片场手把手教在现场观摩的你,但你最好在美国,如果在南加州那就更好了。最后一个要求就是兄弟一定要有资本,如果参加这个课程的前期投入影响到你的生活,我建议兄弟还是多支持我们网站。感谢兄弟们多年的支持。我们越做越好。